Useful Links
We hope that 2 Minute Farmer has helped you think about topics that you may not have thought about in-depth before. This page contains lots of resources for if you would like to know more or would like some advice.
Throughout our website, we signpost to many of these resources. Still, we have collated them all here (along with some new ones) into a more comprehensive list of useful links. You can explore the resources by topic. Click on a section title from the options below to reveal the resources contained within.
We have collected various formats of resource together because everyone likes to learn differently. For each resource listed below, the icon on its left represents its format.
Peer Support
PDF file

Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB)
The levy board which represents farmers, growers and others in the supply chain. On visiting the website you will find technical information, research and knowledge exchange, market intelligence, exports, marketing, educating the next generation, the environment, events and skills programme.

Eat Farm Now
EatFarmNow is about the stories behind food – straight from people in the world’s fields, barns, plantations, kitchens and markets. The site cis a hub for the globe’s best podcasts, blogs and videos created by farmers, chefs, journalists, foodies, and community groups. This is about real, on-the-ground, muddy-boots stories, told by the people.

GrassCheck GB
Compare the growth and quality of your sward with GrassCheck GB. This grass monitoring project involving 50 dairy, beef and sheep farms publishes weekly data throughout the growing season.

FABulous Farmers
Compare the growth and quality of your sward with GrassCheck GB. This grass monitoring project involving 50 dairy, beef and sheep farms publishes weekly data throughout the growing season.

Farm Carbon Toolkit
Use the carbon calculator, created by farmers for farmers, to assess your carbon footprint/balance and the impacts of potential changes. The tool kit available will aid your understanding of how climate change, energy security and food security interact with farming, growing and food is important if you want to change your farming and growing system.

Farm Health Online
Provides livestock health, welfare and disease management research and advisory sources in an accessible format for farmers, veterinarians and advisors. Site includes a description, information on control and prevention, treatment and good practice information for each disease/condition.

Innovative Farmers
Innovative Farmers is a network of farmers and growers who are running on-farm trials, on their own terms. If you have an idea but need money or research tools to get started, give them a shout. Innovative Farmers has an easy to access, small grants scheme to get things off the ground. All of the field lab findings are shared through this website. Become a member for free and access the detailed field lab reports, network with other innovative farmers and attend events.

Innovation for Agriculture
Shares knowledge and technologies gained from leading agricultural researchers, businesses, and helps farmers put it into practice through practical and interactive workshops, farm walks, and on-farm demonstrations.

National Animal Disease Information Service provides a parasite forecast and a disease a-z which includes reports on the number of disease cases throughout the year. Interactive tools to help you assess your biosecurity risks and a series of webinars are also available.

Soil Association
The Soil Association work with farmers, businesses and community initiatives to put these ambitions of organic standards into practice. There is training, technical guidance and knowledge sharing events on offer to help all farmers, organic or otherwise, to share and develop practices that are better for the environment and their businesses. The Association also influence policy, grounding campaigns in practical experience.

The SWARM Knowledge Hub is a resource management web information service dedicated to farmers and growers in south west England. By providing knowledge on best practice approaches and new innovations, the site will help to show that sustainable agriculture means more profit for the farming community

A one stop shop for information and resources to help you prevent a TB breakdown and guidance for dealing with TB on farm. There is also a useful tool mapping bovine TB breakdowns in the UK

Tried & Tested Professional Nutrient Management
Tools, calculators and estimators combined with support and advice to help you to manage your soils nutrient status in a cost effective way.

AHDB Dairy’s Optimal Dairy Systems KPI Calculator
A downloadable calculator enabling dairy farmers to enter their own performance and financial figures to see how they benchmark with others.

AHDB Beef Performance Calculator
A downloadable Key Performance Indicator (KPI) calculator to help producers collect key measurements and identify strengths and weaknesses in their beef herd performance.
These can be used to compare performance with previous years and with similar production systems, using Stocktake figures. They can also be used as part of a herd health plan.

AHDB Sheep Performance Calculator
A downloadable Key Performance Indicator (KPI) calculator to help producers collect key measurements and identify strengths and weaknesses in their flocks performance.
These can be used to compare performance with previous years and with similar production systems, using Stocktake figures. They can also be used as part of a flock health plan.

Farmbench is an easy to use online benchmarking tool from AHDB that helps to identify where strengths and weaknesses lie within a farm business by comparing your data anonymously with that of similar businesses.

Farm Business Survey
The Farm Business Survey (FBS) provides information on the financial, physical and environmental performance of farm businesses in England to inform and evaluate policy decisions. The FBS is intended to serve the needs of farmers, farming and land management interest groups, government, government partners, and researchers. Survey results typically give comparisons between groups of businesses, for example between regions or between types of farm. The results attracting most attention are on farm incomes and productivity.

Farm Crap App
Professional Crap App Calculator for farmers, as recommended by the UK Government Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), the Farm Crap App embeds the Nutrient Management Guide (RB209) data in your mobile device and provides a simple interface to record farm data and make decisions on natural manure for sustainable farming use.

The Nutrient Management Guide (RB209) helps you make the most of organic materials and balance the benefits of fertiliser use against the costs – both economic and environmental. The guide explains the value of nutrients, soil and why good nutrient management is about more than just the fertilisers you buy; it can save you money as well as help protect the environment. The Nutrient Management Guide is published as seven sections.

PLANET (Planning Land Applications of Nutrients for Efficiency and the environment) is a nutrient management decision support tool for use by farmers and advisers in England/Wales and Scotland for field level nutrient planning and for assessing and demonstrating compliance with the Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ) rules.

ENCASH is a CD-based software tool that allows farmers and advisors to calculate the nitrogen (N) production in manure produced by different types of permanently housed pigs and poultry based on their specific dietary input, and covering a range of production and manure management systems.

MANNER-NPK is a practical software tool that provides farmers and advisers with a quick estimate of crop available nitrogen, phosphate and potash supply from applications of organic manure.

AHDB Slurry Wizard
The AHDB slurry wizard helps you calculate slurry storage requirements, explore options and comply with regulations

Addington Fund
The Addington Fund is a registered farming charity. Their main area of work is to provide homes for farming families living in England and Wales who have to leave the industry, through no fault of their own, and by doing so will lose their home. In times of emergency and where hardship prevails the fund may be able to assist with a grant towards certain business costs.

Ag Chap
Cheshire Agricultural Chaplaincy Team covers the whole of Cheshire & Wirral offering 24:7 support to the farming community with a listening ear for as long as required, pastoral support and ability to bring in supporting agencies when required.

The DPJ Foundation
Supporting those in the agricultural sector with poor mental health by providing support, spreading awareness and training those in farming to be aware of poor mental health and it’d issue within the sector.

Farming Community Network FCN
FCN is here to support you with your farming, business, family and health issues.

FarmWell (part of FCN) is a one stop resource to help you and your farm business stay strong and resilient. Their three areas of focus are business resilience, personal resilience and the provision of support.

Focused Farmers
A free video series (funded by The Frank Parkinson Agricultural Trust) to help you discover your own ability to manage stress. This 12 part series is presented by Willie Horton, a psychologist and mindfulness based leadership guru who has been working with farmers for the past four years alongside farmer’s daughter and Nuffield Scholar Holly Beckett.

Forage Aid
If your supply of forage and/or bedding has been impacted by an extreme weather event, Forage Aid can assist you. The charity source forage and bedding from donations and pledges from within the farming community, then distribute it to those whose own supply of feed has been destroyed or made inaccessible due to the weather.

Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (R.A.B.I)
Farming’s oldest and largest charity offers financial support, practical care and guidance to farming people of all ages, including farmers, farmworkers and dependents.

The Farming Life Centre
The Farming Life Centre aims to support farmers in the Peak District maintain and improve their personal and business health.

The Little Book of Minding your Head
This pocket sized publication from Yellow Wellies offers practical content for those working in agriculture and allied industries. From outlining what mental health actually means, to the ways you can support others through challenging times.

“Shift Happens” UK Tour Building a “Resilient Future”, Doug Avery, The Resilient Farmer
Recording of The Resilient Farmer, Doug Avery’s, presentation at the South of England Showground, October 2019. Sponsored by FCN and AHDB, The Resilient Farmer’s tour aimed to promote positive mental health when facing challenging times. His approach to resilience is to be sustainable across three pillars – financial, environmental and social.

R.A.B.I Welfare & Financial Help
Freephone helpline operated by R.A.B.I. offering financial support, practical care and guidance to farming people of all ages, including farmers, farmworkers and dependents.

FCN Practical Support
Helpline operating 7am – 11pm daily . FCN volunteers provide free, confidential, pastoral and practical support to anyone who seeks help.

Alzheimer’s Society
Alzheimer’s Society is the UK’s leading dementia charity. They campaign for change, fund research to find a cure and support people living with dementia today.

Bipolar UK
Bipolar UK runs support groups an eCommunity, peer to peer support and information for those impacted by biploar. Alongside the service delivery work, the charity has also raised public awareness and understanding of bipolar and its effects.

The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is leading a movement against suicide, the single biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK and the cause of 18 deaths every day. The charity provides crisis services, support to those bereaved through suicide and help and awareness within the community to empower conversations around suicide.

Cruse Bereavement Care
Cruse Bereavement Care offers telephone, email and website support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone dies.

Heads Together
Heads Together is a mental health initiative spearheaded by The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, which combines a campaign to tackle stigma and change the conversation on mental health with fundraising for a series of innovative new mental health services.

International Stress Management Association
The International Stress Management AssociationUK [ ISMA] is the leading professional body for workplace and personal stress management, wellbeing and performance.

Men’s Health Forum
The Men’s Health Forum provides health information and advice through the website, ‘Man Manuals’(in partnership with Haynes), through our Website , Workplace Comedy events and Workplace Toolbox talks. The charity also raises awareness of and advocates for men’s health, and shares and encourage the latest good practice

Mental Health Foundation
The Mental Health Foundation offers community and peer programmes, participates in and publishes research into what protects mental health and the causes of poor mental health and how to tackle them and provides advice to millions of people on mental health.

Mental Health Matters
Mental Health Matters provides mental health support services, ranging from helplines and ‘talking therapies’ to supported housing and safe havens, and all based on the principle of supporting every person, as an individual, towards their own goals and aspirations.

Mind provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. The charity campaigns to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding. There is both a Infoline and Legal Line which complements the information available through the website and various publications.

Mindfulness Cornwall
Mindfulness Cornwall offers 8 week Mindfulness courses. sitting groups and mindfulness and yoga retreats.

National Suicide Prevention Alliance
An alliance of public, private, voluntary and community organisations in England who care about suicide prevention and are willing to take action to reduce suicide and support those affected by suicide.

OCD Action
OCD Action provides support and information to anybody affected by OCD, work to raise awareness of the disorder amongst the public and front-line healthcare workers, and strive to secure a better deal for people with OCD. Support is available via information resouces, telephone, email, local groups, advocacy forums and personal stories, achievements and creativity.

One You
One You is here to help you get healthier and feel better with free tips, tools and support. Whether it’s moving more, eating more healthily or checking yourself – One You can help you make small, practical changes that fit in with your life. Resources include a quick mental health plan, the “How are you quid” and the Couch to 10k App.

Find out what OCD is and what its like to have it and steps you can take to overcome OCD. Resources include blogs, videos, forums, support groups, conference and book club.

Outlook South West
NHS-funded therapies for mild-to-moderate anxiety and depression for those with GP practices within Cornwall aged 16+. Therapies include face to face, online and group courses.

Princes Trust
The Prince’s Trust is a youth charity that helps young people aged 11 to 30 get into jobs, education and training.

UK’s largest provider of relationship support. Offering counselling and therapy, workshops and books as well as the information freely available on the website.

Rethink Mental Illness
Rethink Mental Illness improves the lives of people severely affected by mental illness through a network of local groups and services, expert information and successful campaigning. The goal is to make sure everyone affected by severe mental illness has a good quality of life.

The Samaritans is a listening service that can be contacted by phone, email, post or in branch. There is also a self help App. The website includes pages for when you are having a difficult time or are worried about someone else. The Samaritans are also working to understand and challenging the social elements that impact suicide.

Provides emotional support through their SANELine and TextCare service. Peer support is alsp provided through a community forum. The charity is also involved in campaigning and research

Confidential emotional support to children, young adults and adults by telephone, email and post.

Time to Change
Time to Change is a growing social movement working to change the way we all think and act about mental health problems. The website contains information about mental health, personal stories and downloadable resources.

Thrive: Feel Stress Free
The app helps you monitor your mood and teaches you relaxation techniques such as meditation and deep muscle relaxation that with practice have shown to help people cope better with stressful situations. It also has a ‘thought trainer’ programme based on cognitive behavioural therapy to help you manage those negative thoughts. With no rules to use the app, you are free to jump in for 3 minutes to relax before a stressful situation or use more regularly to improve resilience and keep stress under control.

Use this free app to learn mindfulness strategies to help with stress, anxiety, relationships, depression, or simply vent privately to your own Trained Peer Specialist who has been through clinically-proven treatment & training.

Catch It is a joint project between the Universities of Liverpool and Manchester, to help users better understand their moods through use of an ongoing diary.
The app was designed to illustrate some of the key principles of psychological approaches to mental health and well-being, and specifically Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

My Possible Self
Make use of the Building Happiness and Wellbeing module for FREE when you download the app – note that all other modules are accessible through a monthly subscription.

If you want to sleep better at night or take incredible power naps during the day, this is the app for you! The app plays you “dreamscapes”— a sleep-optimized mix of music, voiceover, and sound effects that change each night, to quickly quiet your mind, put you to sleep, keep you asleep, and then wake you up feeling refreshed.

Feeling Good
This App contains audio tracks that combine deep relaxation with resilience techniques from Olympic sports for mental clarity and focus in everyday life, helping you bounce back from stress to cope more easily – with everyday challenges or major life events.

Anxiety UK
Anxiety UK’s infoline service is operated by a team of dedicated volunteers and staff. Many of whom have personal experience of anxiety, stress or anxiety based depression and can offer practical advice and information on support services that are available. They can offer this advice to anybody affected by anxiety, stress and/or anxiety based depression, their family, friends, loved ones and professionals, including parents of children with anxiety.

Alzheimer’s Society
Dementia Connect support line is available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm and weekends, 10am to 4pm for support and advice on dementia.

The CALM helpline is for people in the UK who are down or have hit a wall for any reason, who need to talk or find information and support. It is available 5pm until midnight 365 days a year.

Cruse Bereavement Care
he Cruse Bereavement Care Freephone National Helpline is staffed by trained bereavement volunteers, who offer emotional support to anyone affected by bereavement. The helpline is open Monday-Friday 9.30-5pm (excluding bank holidays), with extended hours on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, when we’re open until 8pm.

Mind Advice and Support
Mind’s Infoline provides an information and signposting service. The helpline is open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except for bank holidays).

No Panic
A helpline for people who suffer from Panic Attacks, Phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders and other related anxiety disorders including those people who are trying to give up Tranquillizers. The helpline is available between 10am and 10pm everyday.

OCD Action
The OCD Action Helpline and Email Service is a confidential and unbiased service offering help, information and support for people with OCD, carers and anyone who is concerned that they, or their friends or relatives, may have OCD or a related disorder. The helpline is available Monday – Friday 9.30am – 8pm dependent on volunteer availability. Calls are charged at local rate.

SANEline is a national out-of-hours mental health helpline offering specialist emotional support, guidance and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including family, friends and carers. SANEline is open every day of the year from 4.30pm to 10.30pm on 0300 304 7000.

Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. They are available to take your call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

SupportLine is a helpline particularly for those who are isolated, at risk, vulnerable and victims of any form of abuse.

Dartmoor Hill Farm Project
The Dartmoor Hill Farm Project act as a central hub for Dartmoor farmers for a wide range of enquiries and assistance and send out regular newsletters with relevant information and topical issues to their database of nearly 400 farms. The project’s emphasis is on assisting farmers with advice, guidance, collaborative activities, communication and funding.

Exmoor Hill Farming Network
The Exmoor Hill Farming Network brings information, training, demonstrations, grants and opportunities to upland farmers across Exmoor. The Network is open to anyone farming in the Exmoor Severely Disadvantaged Area, Exmoor Greater area and Exmoor National Park.

FarmStrong is dedicated to the wellbeing of New Zealand’s farming community. The website offers advice and information on everything from keeping fit to burn out specifically aimed at farmers.

National Centre for Farmer Health
Farmer Health is the website for Australia’s National Centre for Farmer Health (NCFH). The Centre provides national leadership to improve the health, wellbeing and safety of farm men and women, farm workers, their families and communities across Australia. The Farmer Health website’s key objective is to increase knowledge transfer across the target groups of farmers, rural professionals, academics and students.